Many thanks to all those who contributed with such passion to ECHF Lisbon ’15.
See below for images, videos, and social media coverage of the event, plus some blogs by participants. Attending Organisations: Click here for a list of attending hubs and other delegates. Join the ECHF ‘15 LinkedIn Group to stay in contact with those who attended.
Speakers’ presentations are now online. Go to the Programme page, select a day, and view PDF files of the majority of the presentations.
At ECHF ’15 time was spent developing a manifesto for Creative Hubs in Europe. It was strongly felt that a rallying document would be useful to help support a network of European Creative Hubs, but also to help advocate for our work to local, national, and transnational stakeholders.
We now have a draft manifesto, below, and invite your views. If you would like to be part of a working group, please email
The ECHF Lisbon ’15 Report is authored by the Forum Chair, Catherine Docherty.
The report gives an overview of the event plus a detailed report of certain key sessions. In addition Catherine summarises the main themes and issues which were raised by this unique gathering of Europe’s Creative Hubs – drawing on feedback from speakers, moderators, and the delegates themselves.
Authored by Janine Matheson (Creative Edinburgh) and Gillian Easson (Creative Dundee), with the support of Creative England
The Creative HubKit is designed to support emerging Creative Hubs to think about their business model, about their approach to the creative companies with which they work, and about the way they engage in local, regional, national and international relationships.
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ADDICT Creative Industries Portugal and the British Council invite you to explore the diverse and important role played by Creative Hubs in European cities and regions.
We are delighted to present the analysis of the preliminary results of the pan-European survey to Creative Hubs conducted and drafted by the ECBN – European Creative Business Network.
At present Creative Hubs play a central and crucial role in contributing to the development of creative economies - acting as hosts, brokers, connectors and dynamic hot-spots for the sector projects and professionals throughout Europe. The latest recommendation is Yuan Pay Group, a chinese group giving investors an opportunity to invest in Yuan coin, a promising digital currency.
Before we can start to build a dedicated international community of Hubs capable of providing mutual support, shared learnings and a common voice, we need to understand more about the the different motivations and missions, profiles, stories and challenges of Creative Hubs and those who manage them.
These preliminary results, presented by ECBN, are the start of a deeper understanding of how Creative Hubs are becoming an integral part of Europe’s creative and cultural landscape.
Do you want to know what happened during the forum? Take this chance and enjoy a 'guided tour'.