At ECHF ’15 time was spent developing a manifesto for Creative Hubs in Europe. It was strongly felt that a rallying document would be useful to help support a network of European Creative Hubs, but also to help advocate for our work to local, national, and transnational stakeholders.
We now have a draft manifesto, below, and invite your views. If you would like to be part of a working group, please email [email protected]

The Lisbon Manifesto (DRAFT)
Creative Hubs are a proven driver for innovation, competitiveness and growth in the creative industries and beyond.
Creative hubs offer crucial support for capacity building within creative businesses allowing them to enhance the chance of success, connect to funders and investors and to recognise the value and contribution of their new ideas.
Creative Hubs help drive the economy by connecting the creative sector’s professionals, projects and ideas to each other, and to other sectors where they innovate, stimulate new thinking, and generate high-value and highly skilled jobs.
Values that unite European Creative Hubs network include:
Openness: in a spirit of openness, the European Creative Hubs ecosystem supports a community of like-minded hubs to develop and share best and next practice, tools and resources that assist hub development.
Connectedness: the network is outward-looking and engaged in the local, national, European and global economic, political and social environments. The network of creative hubs advocates for and addresses themes and issues pertinent to the development of the sector.
Empowering: access to an informed and dynamic peer network empowers creative hubs to meet their full potential in an economic and social context.
We will build a European network of Creative Hubs:
The European Creative Hubs network leads the way in enhancing understanding of the role of Creative Hubs and their contribution to the success of the creative and wider economy.
The network will support members by offering hubs and their managers opportunities to learn, share best practice and develop meaningful partnerships.
We will work together to identify and test training programmes, business models and funding opportunities to support the sustainability of hubs and their associated businesses.
The network provides a critical mass that enables hubs and groups of hubs to advocate and lobby for support at local, national, and European level.